Sunday, September 14, 2014

What is Personology?

    Personology is basically another form of astrology.  Your date and time of birth are required in order to make predictions of your future or past.  Yes the past.  Some people feel that there are defining moment in their lives.  Moments that were so important they influenced the course of their life.  Personology helps you better understand these moments by telling you the influence of the stars and planets at that moment in time relative to you specifically, whether they be in the past, present or future.  
    The advantage Personology has over traditional Astrology is that it's even more personalized.  Have you ever had the same astrological symbol as someone else, both read the same forecast, and had a totally different day?  Or maybe your personalities simply don't match.  Personology helps explain those differences, so even if two people happen to both be a Pisces, they'll have different birth charts.
   Just in case you're in here accidentally, Personology the astrology is different from Personology the art of reading people based on their clothes, body language etc.